Data API

These API endpoints are documented solely for the purpose of Point 97 developers. They are subject to change without notice.


For all endpoints listed, you can add .csv to the end of it and get a CSV download of the data.

Single Select Count

GET /reports/single-select-count/<question_slug>

Returns the count of survey responses for each answer in the single select.

Example request:

GET /reports/single-select-count/market

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "success": true,
    "data": [
        {"answer": "Market A", "count": 4},
        {"answer": "Market B", "count": 2},
    "meta": {"labels": ["Market A", "Market B"]}
Query Parameters:
  • status – one of accepted, rejected, or flagged
  • start_date – filter results to on or after start_date formated like: %Y-%m-%d
  • end_date – filter results to on or before end_date formatted like: %Y-%m-%d

Grid Standard Deviation

GET /reports/grid-standard-deviation/<question_slug>/<interval>

Groups the responses by type in the given interval and gives the minimum, maximum, average, and total of the responses.

Example request:

GET /reports/grid-standard-deviation/market/month

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "row_label": "Trout",
            "row_text": "trout",
            "date": 1385884800000,
            "minimum": 2,
            "average": 5,
            "maximum": 15,
            "total": 54,
        }, {
            "row_label": "Trout",
            "row_text": "trout",
            "date": 1388563200000
            "minimum": 2,
            "average": 5,
            "maximum": 15,
            "total": 54,
    "meta": {"labels": ["Trout"]}
Query Parameters:
  • status – one of accepted, rejected, or flagged
  • start_date – filter results to on or after start_date formated like: %Y-%m-%d
  • end_date – filter results to on or before end_date formatted like: %Y-%m-%d
  • row – string that matches a row_label in the question
  • col – string that matches a col_label in the question

Surveyor Stats


This endpoint also includes the ability to get a more raw form of the data by omiting /<interval> and adding .csv.

GET /reports/surveyor-stats/<survey_slug>/<interval>

Gives the stats for each surveyor who has gathered data for survey_slug, aggregated by the provided interval.

Example request:

GET /reports/surveyor-stats/market-survey/month

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "surveyor": "John Doe",
            "count": 2,
            "timestamp": 1385884800000
        }, {
            "surveyor": "Jane Doe",
            "count": 4,
            "timestamp": 1385884800000
    "meta": null
Query Parameters:
  • status – one of accepted, rejected, or flagged
  • start_date – filter results to on or after start_date formated like: %Y-%m-%d
  • end_date – filter results to on or before end_date formatted like: %Y-%m-%d
  • surveyor – filter results to only include a specific surveyor by their ID